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The Hard-to-Swallow Truth: Dairy Exposé Reveals Nestlé’s Nightmare

Investigators documented senseless and violent abuse of mother cows and their defenseless calves. And yet this practices is representative of what life is like for animals on a typical dairy farm.

COK: ‘Working inside Martin Farms, a Pennsylvania dairy factory farm, (Compassion Over Killing) COK’s investigator documented senseless and violent abuse of mother cows and their defenseless calves. This is some of the worst abuse we’ve ever documented, and yet it also shows practices representative of what life is like for animals on a typical dairy farm. In this case, COK’s investigator followed a truck from this factory farm to an ice cream facility, owned by the world’s largest dairy company: Nestlé, the maker of ice cream brands including Dreyer’s, Edy’s, and Häagen-Dazs.

Nestlé’s motto is “Good food, Good life,” but our video shows life is anything but “good” for cows and calves suffering for milk used in the company’s ice creams. There is cruelty in every scoop of ice cream: What many see as a sweet treat is, in reality, a product of suffering and exploitation in the cold, cruel dairy industry…

Even worse, this barbaric practice is completely unnecessary. The dairy industry could simply choose cows who genetically do not grow horns, yet only 2% of the farms currently do this. Both the American Veterinary Medical Association and the American Association of Bovine Practitioners recommend that farmers breed cows with hornless bulls in order to eliminate the need to remove calves’ horns.

That’s why we’re demanding that Nestlé end this cruel practice of horn removal once and for all, as well as urging the corporation to shift toward more vegan products. The dairy industry wants you to believe that milk comes from happy cows. But COK’s investigations show the heartbreaking reality of dairy’. SOURCE…


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